I love Markdown. I love it so much that I completely forgot about it after using it for a project.

Snark aside, bulletin boards and old forum software used markdown exclusively for posts in the early 00s. But this isn’t just old tech.

I forgot about it until I decided to give Trello a whirl. Trello is an online project management application that focuses on laying out the information in complete view. It’s an exciting take on collaboration and productivity.

And to be clear, I really do love Markdown!

How Text is Formatted in Your Trello Cards

Trello uses a modified version of the simple language used to format plaintext called Markdown.

Using Markdown syntax, you can add formatting to plaintext such as lists, paragraphs, headers, and more, just like you can with HTML text. It’s a pretty neat little project.

You can read more about Markdown at Daring Fireball.

Compatibility for Basic Markdown Syntax

Where it Works

  • Your Trello bio
  • Checklists
  • Comments
  • Card description

Where it Doesn’t Work

  • Card titles
  • Some issues in displaying some syntax in the Trello mobile app

More Details on Trello Basic Markdown Compatibility

TypeYour Trello BioChecklistCommentsCard Description
Inline code
Horizontal line
Code block
Block quotes
Embedded images

Trello Basic Markdown Examples

TypeSyntaxExample UsageExample ResultNotes
Bold**Example **bold**Example bold 
Italics_Example _italic_Example italicYou can also use single asterisks
Strikethrough~~Example ~~strikethrough~~Example strikethroughCross out text
Inline code`Example `code`Example codeInline formatted code
Links[]()[Davis Tech Media](https://davistechmedia.com)Davis Tech MediaLink text and URL
Horizontal line‐‐‐‐‐‐
Add space in between text; otherwise, this is an H2
Code block“`“`
test 1
test 2
test 1
test 2
Think of this as <pre> formatting
Block quotes>>test1

test 1
test 2

Space after greater than or not
Unordered lists– test 1
– test 2
  • test 1
  • test 2
Must have space after the hyphen and space between lines
Ordered lists1.1. test 1
2. test 2
  1. test 1
  2. test 2
Must have period and space after number and space between lines
Headers####Header 3 Example

Header 3 Example

# per header level
Embedded images![]()![Trello Logo](/path/to/trello-logo-white.svg)Trello LogoAlt text and image path

Wrap Up

Another good Markdown resource is Markdown Guide. They are a free and open-source reference guide on how to use Markdown.

It lays everything out in a super easy to read and easy to understand manner. I dig it.

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