How to Write a Better About Page

Last Updated: Jun 7, 2022 | Website Structure

During your quest to build out your website, there’s a page that’s important but is usually overlooked. That would be the About page. Websites either don’t have them or worse, have bad ones that don’t even scratch the surface of what their website is about. In this post, we’ll explore how to write a better About page and what this would look like.

How to Write a Better About Page

Let’s take a look at an industry expert, Pat Flynn.

In his video he stresses the importance of the About page and says it should contain the following:

  1. Hook
    1. Ask questions where the answer will be a yes.
    2. Tell a great story right from the start. Show you know their pain point before you or they ask.
    3. Open loop. Keep reading to get what you want.
  2. Benefits
    1. Not the features, but the why if they stick around.
    2. Focus on the transformation, what’s the outcome.
    3. I will show you and this is how I’ll do it.
  3. Proof
    1. People or companies you’ve used for help.
    2. Show awards, videos, written testimonials, images, and conferences.
  4. Personal story
    1. You may have told on already, but this is a bit deeper.
    2. What is your mission?
    3. Allow people to connect with you, and use relatable origin.
  5. Opt-in form or link to social media
    1. Have them sign up for your email list.
    2. Have them follow you on social media.
  6. Don’t make the about page too much about you

Pat’s Method in Practice

This certainly is a great list to go through as you craft your perfect About page. Some of the struggle comes with the part on not making the page too much about you, as opposed to what you can do for your readers.

In talking about the transformation and what you can do for your reader, you’ll no doubt have to toot your own horn. Another sticking point seems to be listing the benefits as opposed to the features.

The hook may be a bit difficult as well. We’re starting to find our voice in this regard but we see too many websites open with “Do you identify with this painfully obvious statement?” It just reads as if the website only has common sense information to offer and the next sentence could quite possibly have an unnecessary hard sell.

We think you should be careful trying to avoid sounding like a fake internet marketer. In our attempt to sound different, we tend to swing in the other direction and the sentence just comes off as boring.

We may be overthinking some of these methods. Looking at his About page on Smart Passive Income, he doesn’t really get that complicated. It’s fairly short.

Let us know what you think about this list and how you’ve implemented it.


We’re going to add a few more videos from other creators and test out their methods. If you have a request in the meantime, feel free to reach out!



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